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Dubai Flooding 2022



Deadly Deluge Devastates UAE and Oman

Unprecedented Rainfall Triggers Deadly Flash Floods

A Relentless Fury of Rain

A relentless deluge of rain has battered the United Arab Emirates and Oman this week, leaving behind a trail of destruction and loss. In Oman, torrential downpours have claimed the lives of at least 19 people, while causing scores of delays and disruptions in transportation.

Dubai, the bustling metropolis in the UAE, has been particularly hard-hit by the unrelenting downpours. By the end of Tuesday, more than 142 millimeters (559 inches) of rainfall had soaked Dubai over 24 hours—an amount equivalent to almost an entire year's worth of rain. This unprecedented rainfall has triggered immense flash flooding, transforming roads into raging rivers and inundating homes and businesses.

The relentless rain has also caused major flooding in other parts of the UAE. Torrential rain has flooded homes, malls, and even brought operations at Dubai International Airport to a halt. The storm's wrath has disrupted transportation across the region, with many flights and roads closed due to flooding or debris.

As the rain persists, authorities in both the UAE and Oman are urging residents to exercise caution and remain indoors. Emergency services are working tirelessly to assist those affected by the flooding, while government officials are coordinating relief efforts.

While the full extent of the damage is still being assessed, it is clear that the deluge of rain has caused significant disruption and loss of life. The unwavering rain has tested the resilience of the UAE and Oman and has left a lasting impact on the communities affected.
